Posted by: Kevin Mills | February 17, 2015

Some Days are Diamonds

A true story:


Denine was making a shopping run in town last weekend and had just come out of the grocery.  Lifting a bag of supplies from the cart she felt something snag on her clothes.  With a sinking feeling she realized that the diamond on her wedding ring was missing and that one of the bare prongs had caught on her jeans.  She retraced her steps through the store – checking the produce bins, the stacks of fruit, even the checkout stand conveyor belt.  No diamond.  As I was hearing about it later, I thought to myself, “Uh oh, this isn’t going to end well.”  She looked all over the store and left a request with a dubious customer service rep to call if it turned up. 

Possessing much more ability to work a problem than I have, she then hopped in the car and went back to her stop earlier in the day – the Ace Hardware store – to continue looking.  By this time in the story I’m trying to figure out what it’s going to take to get a replacement wedding ring. 

But then she says, “So I walked through the door and came around the corner where the checkout stand is and I saw a sparkly glitter shining up at me from the customer floor mat!” 

“What?  You found it?”

“I found it!  I found it on the floor in Ace Hardware!!”

Well, how about that?  Of all the places a diamond could land after popping off of a ring in the hours it took for her to realize it was gone, it lands just so a facet will reflect some light back up at just the right angle right as she was rounding a corner in a hardware store in the middle of town.  This is the very definition of a miracle. 

So she slipped it into a little envelope supplied by the Ace folks and took it to a jeweler a day or two later to be reset into (a new and improved) mounting.  I was out of town while all this happened but since the jeweler was along the way home, I stopped in and picked it up when I returned to town.  On Valentine’s Day, no less.  That night, over dinner, I asked her if she would marry me (again) and, thankfully, she said, “Yes.”

We’ve lived (several days now) happily every after.


Then End.


  1. my kind of ending to a love story. Kay

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